- Dissertation Social

Dissertation Social

Freedom of speech on social media

In the modern era it is essential to discuss the importance of freedom of speech on social media and to defend it. Nowadays we can all see that the internet has taking over the world that we live in. Everything, both news, music, information even marketing is on the internet. The Internet has been an easier way

Quels sont les autres approches de l’intervention sociale ?

Le travail social dispose de plusieurs méthodes d’intervention social qui sont diversifies et adaptables avec les changements du temps, et les problèmes sociaux, ces méthodes d’intervention s’adressent à tous les catégories sociaux, elles ont comme un but d’atteindre un ou plusieurs objectifs, dont le travailleur social a un rôle très important pour les réaliser. Le

La diplomatie des droits de l’Homme

«Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. Ils sont doués de raison et de conscience et doivent agir les uns envers les autres dans un esprit de fraternité. Chacun peut se prévaloir de tous les droits et de toutes les libertés proclamées dans la présente déclaration, sans distinction de

How to negotiate successfully

The handbook of Dispute resolution focuses on the seven elements of negotiation developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project and different methods of negotiations. The first element of negotiation is Interest: Reach a compromise to satisfy your interest. The succeed of good negotiation results to identify and defend your interests and needs of all parties. Interests

The impact of client death on health care workers

Health care workers (or aides) may suffer instrumental (e.g. loss of work or pay) and emotional consequences after a client dies. However, aides insignificant relationships with clients and insignificant losses after the death of a client may deny them forms of support typically granted to grievers. That is because health care workers grief are often

Short history of women’s rights in Canada

Fundamentally, advocating for the rights of women in Canada during 1960s began with movements that pushed for the equal standing between women and men. First of all, it is worth considering the second wave feminism momentum. This momentum which “involved political and culture shifts” that majorly began to impact the way “women understood themselves and

Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) in Africa

This paper highlights how poverty affects health care causing epidemic outbreaks of Onchocerciasis, also known as River Blindness in Africa. Although the disease does not directly cause death, it stands as a socio-economic issue due to its effect on families, communities, and countries as a whole. River Blindness is the second leading cause of preventable

Spokane Native American tribe and “The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie

The January of 1881, formally established a new home for the Spokane Native American tribe, the Spokane Indian Reservation. The reservation consists of 108,874 acres of forest, 8552 acres of agricultural land, and 10,328 acres of lakes. The history of the reservation is full of struggles, poverty and colonialization. “The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight

Effective Tools to Communicate

Effective tools of communication can be very beneficial whether it is to argue a point, convince someone of a point of view or to set what you desire. There are several different ways to effectively communicate your point across to other people, but three crucial steps will help you become extremely effective at arguing your

Le mariage homosexuel au Canada

Le mariage de même sexe au Canada a été une longue discussion pour le gouvernement fédérale du Canada. Les vues politiques sur le mariage de même sexe ici au Canada ont changés beaucoup, dans le passé c’était complètement interdit, le mariage était connu comme l’union entre un homme et une femme, mais depuis quatorze ans,

The effects of smoking

On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than people who don’t smoke. This means that nonsmokers have more than a decade of their life that smokers don’t. 4.9 million smokers are teens, most teen smokers die at middle age, approximately 45 to 65. Smokers die from various diseases, it’s estimated that 5.6 million

The concept of inclusive classroom: Points of view

Introduction An inclusive classroom is currently on the front line in education based on some researchers’ opinions (Nicaise, 2012). According to one study many school boards are globally recognizing the significance on being able to support all students’ individual needs in a general classroom setting (Jorgenson & Lambert, 2012). Although the benefits of inclusion in