- Dissertation Sur Géographie

Dissertation Sur Géographie

La science du climat pour expliquer le changement climatique

Les efforts actuels s’avèrent insuffisants pour limiter la hausse de la température mondiale au-delà de 2 °C, objectif que s’est fixé la communauté internationale pour éviter un emballement catastrophique des dérèglements climatiques. En effet, les recherches scientifiques, dans une grande majorité, montrent que les facteurs naturels et anthropiques sont les principales causes du changement climatiques.

Les problèmes environnementaux d’aujour’hui

Les animaux/espèces Plus de 60% des populations danimaux sauvages ont disparues entre 1970 et aujourdhui. Cinquante années ont suffit à lhumanité pour détruire tout ce que la nature à mis des milliards dannées à construire. La disparition des animaux deau douce atteint même 83% à cause de la surexploitation. Globalement, la dégradation des habitats représente

L’utilisation de la fracturation hydraulique pour l’exploitation pétrolière

Mis en évidence pour la première fois vers la fin des années 40, la fracturation hydraulique, aussi appelée «fracking» en anglais,  est le processus utilisé pour «récupérer le pétrole ou le gaz naturel piégé dans des formations rocheuses non poreuses comme le schiste.» (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, 2019) [ma traduction]. De nos jours, il

COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.

Coronavirus is an infectious disease which is widely spreading all over the country. It has a direct impact on the health of the human population and economy as well.  Very few people are concerned and aware about this disease. The views of the public are evenly split on how Donald Trump is responding to the

Aspects de la vie sociale et politique des peuples autochtones de Canada

L’éducation En 1972, la Fraternité nationale des Indiens (maintenant connue sous le nom d’Assemblée des Premières Nations) a produit une politique sur l’éducation autochtone appelée Contrôle indien de l’éducation indienne. La politique a ensuite été adoptée par le ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien (maintenant Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada) comme politique

Industry 4.0: the case of Africa

In terms of industrialization, Africa has fallen behind. In recent decades, the continent’s economy has revolved around the export of raw materials. Leaving it to other parts of the world, with Southeast Asia leading the way, to take the leadership of the sector . In 2034, a Kenyan worker will be more expensive than using

Social inequality and problems of minority groups in American society

According to Godde, Pasillas & Sanchez (2020), social inequality scenarios are multiple in the present American society. Primarily, inequality means a lack of equal opportunities and rewards for statuses or social positions. For instance, the disparity in American society is pronounced when minority groups are segregated from equal access to opportunities. Healthcare, employment opportunities, and

Using ice cores in the historical climate analysis

The historical records of climate are usually limited to the last hundred years resulting from weather observations. Information related to past climate beyond we start to record it can be retrieved in paleoclimatic archives indeed they contain indicators (proxy) of past climate that can be sampled and analysed to infer climate, these paleoclimatic archives and

Douglas North: Why are so Few Countries Prosperous?

There are a few prosperous countries in the modern world. Those who have approached the level of the United States include South Korea, Spain, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, China, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Israel, Equatorial Guinea, and Japan. Good institutions are among the things that countries should focus on improving their standards, according to Douglas North. They

Production and trade of small ruminants in Ghana

Introduction Small ruminant especially goat and sheep are economically significant in agricultural sector of most developing nations including Ghana. According to Winrock (1983) Sheep and goat are mostly reared by household members and required low maintenance costs, low start-up capital and can increase herd size within a short possible time. Livestock also serves as source

Banana cultivation issues in Pakistan

Global production of sweet banana is facing serious threat from Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), pathogen of Panama disease. Current banana cultivar, the Cavendish, replaced Gros Michael during the mid-twentieth century after devastation caused by Foc race1 and now it covers 99% of global banana trade. Race4, the new Foc strain, is virulent not