- Dissertation sur l’éducation

Dissertation sur l’éducation

Should Minors Have Access to Contraceptives Without Parental Consent?

Free contraceptives are available for anyone between the ages of 12-19 at most youth clinics without parental consent. According to Vancouver Coastal Health, the services and contraceptives provided by youth clinics include, birth control options, condoms, testing for sexually transmitted diseases, pap tests, pregnancy tests, oral contraceptives and other benefits for sexually active youth (2017).

Architecture of the Chicago school

The Chicago school was a movement of architecture but also of urbanism. At that time, its architects advocated a new, simpler, and utilitarian style, which could be referred as “commercial style” and was opposed to the more traditional European style. If on the one hand, the utilitarian style of this school of architecture sought reality

Pros and cons of online classes

In today’s world of the technological era, the education sector has also been largely influenced by it. It has taken education online with the help of internet and technology, some classes are being conducted online. Online classes are acting as a great platform to bring the instructors and students together at the comfort of being

Etude des stratégies discursives dans la chronique pousse avec eux de Hakim Laalem

L’accès à l’information et sa vulgarisation aujourd’hui est devenu plus aisé qu’avant, et cela grâce aux différents moyens de communications disponibles qui sont mises au service de l’humanité afin de faciliter la transmission et la fluidité de l’information et à titre d’exemple on peut citer : la radio, les chaines TV, internet , les journaux…

Education et l’instruction (l’école)

Section 1 : Education Si je devrais animer un débat ou parlé au mondeentier 100 fois dans 100 pays diffèrent sur un sujet, je choisirais le sujet sur « l’éducation ». Peut-être que j’aurais dû commencer le livre avec ce chapitre. L’éducation est la toute première règle de la vie et de l’humanité. Elle est

La définition de l’enseignement à distance – exposé, introduction, avantages et inconvénients

Bonjour tout le monde, permettez-moi de vous exprimer mon honneur d’être parmi vous pour participer à cette journée dont l’intérêt porte sur l’enseignement à distance. Lors de mon intervention, je vous présente mon article intitulé l’enseignement à distance : une pédagogie de l’avenir selon le plan suivant. Commençons d’abord par : • Une introduction générale

Impact of parenting styles and stress on child’s self-control

A child’s development of self-control can be influenced by various factors, including the parenting style of their primary caregivers. Akers (1991) asserts that self-control is learnt through socialization – meaning children need to be socialized into controlling themselves by being rewarded for conformity but punished for deviance. Since self-control is socially learned, the environment and

The problem of depression among students

The increasing cases of mental health issues among students have raised a lot of concerns in today’s society. Some of the major mental health issues affecting college students include depression, bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In a study carried out by Mirón et al. (2019), it was established that 1 in every 5

Reliability of assessment instruments

Reliability is the ability of a test to achieve consistent and stable results. Essentially, it would be expected to produce similar results (scores) for the same candidate for each instance when it is completed within a specified time frame. Reliability comes into question when these conditions are not met. Thus, to ensure consistency, both tools

Examen de psychopathologie: schizophrénie

Madame Lavennes – Ecole Promsoc Mons Borinage – Réalisée par Zakia Nabih – Année 2018-2019 Introduction « La schizophrénie, c’est le dédoublement de la personnalité », « Les schizophrènes sont dangereux », « Les schizophrènes ne peuvent plus travailler » … et tant d’autres idées reçues et préjugés qui stigmatisent cette maladie mentale et les