Reasons why an additional day off is necessary in schools

Have you ever gotten stressed over getting too much school work thrown at you within five days and not having enough time to finish it all? If you get an additional day off it will provide students and teachers with an extra rest day, time to complete their work to prevent stress, and causing students test marks to go up. Overall, it would be an excellent idea to have Wednesday’s off to give students and teachers that extra time in their week.

The first reason why students and teachers should have an additional day off on Wednesday’s is because it will provide both students and teachers with an extra day of rest. By getting an extra day of rest students will be able to catch up on their sleep so that they aren’t dozing off in class. If students are sleeping in class, they aren’t actually paying attention to learning. When students aren’t receiving the required amount of sleep it isn’t just making them tired but also causing damage to their body by giving them mental health issues or leading them to have mood problems. Therefore, when students don’t have an extra day off, they tend to have a lack of sleep which is damaging their body.

The second reason as to why students and teachers should have a third day off school in a week is because it will give them extra time to complete their work. When students have more time to complete their school work, they will become less stressed. Usually students get a lot of work piled on them with little time to complete it. Young people also tend to have other things going on in their lives such as sports and activities, which would give them even less time to complete their work in time. Teachers also would appreciate an additional day of providing them with a little more time to plan their teaching for the next day. By having only four days in a school week, students won’t be stressed to try and get their work done in limited amounts of time throughout the week.

The last reason why students and teachers should have an extra day off school in the week is because students grades will go up. When students have more time to finish their work it will be easier for them to hand it in on time and do an exceptional job on their

assignments. If the students are then exceeding in their work then it would cause their marks to go up, making a higher average for their class. In the long term, it would be very beneficial for the students when receiving better grades.

In conclusion, there should only be school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday giving both students and teachers a break in their week. By doing this, it will cause students to get an extra day of rest, prevent having high stress levels, and allow students to be able to get better marks. Therefore, it would be favourable to students and teachers to only have four days in a school week.