- Dissertation sur la Science

Dissertation sur la Science

Energy solutions for vehicular systems: Introduction

FCEV are a promising alternative clean propulsion that no pollutants are emitted [1] . This type of vehicles exploits the advantages of  PEMFC which  have several advantages such as:  high efficiency, low-temperature operation and are clean functioning [2]. Among  these characteristics, the PEMFC remains  an excellent technology  for  vehicular systems [3]. Thanks to the different

Paratyphoid Vaccine Development: Benefits Evaluation

Abstract Introduction: Paratyphoid is suspected to cause millions of deaths annually, and no paratyphoid vaccine exists. Our objective is to assess the epidemiologic data and the relevant pros and cons surrounding the benefits of developing a paratyphoid vaccine. Material and methods: We performed a critical appraisal of the relevant existing data on paratyphoid (by querying

Le secteur des services

Les biens (matériels) comportent des éléments de service qui peuvent être plus ou moins importants : conseil à la vente, livraison et installations des produits, service après-vente, etc. Un bien tangible peut être acheté pour les services quil fournit, plus le produit est complexe plus la qualité et létendue des services qui laccompagnent influencent ses

A stateless society: a Marxist utopia?

Nowadays, the State  plays a central role in our societies, economy and daily life. However it wasn’t always the case. Different schools of thought have been thinking on the way to establish a society without state, like the anarchist. With the rise of the Marxism, another theory emerged, believing in the ideal of a society

Diseases that affect the sense of smell

Impaired sense of smell can be an early sign of several age-related neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimers disease (AD), Parkinsons disease (PD), Huntington’s disease (HD), alcoholic Korsakoff’s syndrome, Pick’s disease (PD), the parkinsonian dementia complex of Guam (G-PDC), Vascular dementia (VaD) and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). Research results indicate that alterations in the olfactory system in neurodegenerative

The importance of nature for improving mindfulness

Introduction Connecting with nature and practicing mindfulness, both, independently, have preventative effects for mental health and well-being. Connecting with nature is associated with “…greater life satisfaction, lower anxiety, improved vitality, meaningfulness, happiness, creativity, pro-social behaviors, and pro-nature behaviors” (Van Gordon, Shonin & Richardson, 2018, p. 1655). Individuals who are more mindful experience greater positive affect,

Lien entre la philosophie pratique et la science moderne

La science moderne a permis un développement sans précédent des connaissances. Est-ce que le développement des sciences a rendu la pratique philosophie impertinente aujourd’hui? La connexion entre la philosophie pratique et la science moderne est caractérisée par leurs mutuelles interactions approfondies. L’exercice philosophique offre au scientifique une pénétration et une ampleur, une portée plus large

La théorie socio-cognitiviste d’Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura, l’un des psychologues canadiens les plus connus, est à la base du courant socio-cognitiviste. Il est né en 1925 au canada il est issu d’une famille d’immigrant de l’est, son enfance montre les prémisses de ces futures réflexions qui tourneront autour du développement de l’autonomie dans l’apprentissage. En effet Bandura est issu d’une

The challenges of think tanks

Think tanks have stories to tell. No one would, doubt the fundamental role that think tanks plays in shaping policy agendas and in providing platforms to introduce new ideas, nurturing by that an essential debate between the research world and the policy-making one. However, No one would also doubt that think tanks are facing numerous

Study on the consumption of honey in Aragon

Introduction In order to know the commercialization of honey in Aragon and the main distribution channels in the honey market , as well as the preferences, attitudes and purchase motivations that Aragon consumers have towards honey, an exploratory investigation was carried out using primary sources of information based on the survey formulation and for the

Douleur intercostale

De nos jours, de plus en plus de personnes ressentent des afflictions au niveau des cages thoraciques et des côtes. Ces souffrances sont devenues très fréquents et sont généralement dû à diverses causes,  plus ou moins graves. Ce type de douleurs nécessite toujours un avis médical afin décarter  les risques daccidents cardiovasculaires pouvant surgir plus

Le moustique tigre

La ponte La riche variété des gîtes larvaires chez le moustique tigre lui permet de se proliférer à une vitesse impressionnante. En effet, les sites possibles de ponte pour la femelle semble s’être adaptés à l’industrialisation de l’Homme. On remarque que le moustique tigre possède 2 types de gîtes larvaires. Le premier sont les trous

Characteristics of wind turbines

The accurate characterization of the near-surface wind speed profile (up to altitudes of about 200 m) is crucial for a variety of wind energy applications, including wind energy resource assessment and forecasting, and estimating wind shear across turbine blades from field data or real-time hub-height wind speed estimations upwind of a wind farm. The simpler models