- Dissertation sur la Politique

Dissertation sur la Politique

Dissertation sur la liberté d expression: sujet, l’introduction, résumé, conclusion.

Titre : La liberté d’expression : un droit fondamental et ses limites Introduction. I. L’importance de la liberté d’expression A. La liberté d’expression comme pierre angulaire de la démocratie Favoriser la participation citoyenne et le débat public Renforcer la transparence et la responsabilité des gouvernements B. Le rôle de la liberté d’expression dans la construction

Dissertation sur la démocratie à athènes: sujet, l’introduction, résumé, conclusion.

“Dissertation sur la démocratie et l’Athénogène” I. Introduction A. Contexte historique de l’Athénogène B. Définition de la démocratie C. Problématique de la dissertation II. La démocratie dans l’Athènes classique A. Les origines de la démocratie athénienne B. Les institutions démocratiques à Athènes C. Les limites de la démocratie athénienne III. L’Athénogène A. Présentation de l’Athénogène

Le concept du pouvoir chez Michel Foucault

Le concept du pouvoir chez Michel Foucault est considéré comme un ensemble de relations de forces, il dépasse la notion du pouvoir comme étant un terme qui reflète le rapport entre le système politique et les individus, à une nouvelle notion qui s’intéresse non seulement aux systèmes politiques mais aussi aux domaines sociale, économique, et

The history of the first Crusade

During the year 1071, with the Turks’ army expending their power all around the Mediterranean, Jerusalem fell into Muslim hands when the Byzantine army got completely destroyed by them. This conquest led to a multitude of events causing some serious danger to the Catholic Church. That’s when, in 1095, the Byzantine emperor Alexios l Komnenos sent a message to

A stateless society: a Marxist utopia?

Nowadays, the State  plays a central role in our societies, economy and daily life. However it wasn’t always the case. Different schools of thought have been thinking on the way to establish a society without state, like the anarchist. With the rise of the Marxism, another theory emerged, believing in the ideal of a society

The legacy of John F. Kennedy

On November 22nd, 1963, U.S President John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas. The assassination of American president JFK was a national tragedy and etched itself forever in the American consciousness. Vice President Lyndon Johnson was sworn into office following the death of Kennedy. Document A is Johnson’s first speech to Congress as the

The challenges of think tanks

Think tanks have stories to tell. No one would, doubt the fundamental role that think tanks plays in shaping policy agendas and in providing platforms to introduce new ideas, nurturing by that an essential debate between the research world and the policy-making one. However, No one would also doubt that think tanks are facing numerous

Autobiography of Rosa Parks

My name is Rosa Parks, I hope my name tells you something. I was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama, and I grew up with my mother with my maternal grandparents on a farm. My mother was a teacher, and always taught me when I was a child, values like equality and freedom.

COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.

Coronavirus is an infectious disease which is widely spreading all over the country. It has a direct impact on the health of the human population and economy as well.  Very few people are concerned and aware about this disease. The views of the public are evenly split on how Donald Trump is responding to the

Environmental justice (EJ) movement against environmental racism in the capitalist world

The position of environmental justice (EJ) has emerged as a constructive discourse to combat environmental issues plagued with racial oppression. However, although EJ encompasses a framework of “fairness and justice, and civil and human rights,” it is not recognized as a legitimate issue by political and economic powers because its discourse is determined by people