- Thèses exemple

Thèses exemple

Energy solutions for vehicular systems: Introduction

FCEV are a promising alternative clean propulsion that no pollutants are emitted [1] . This type of vehicles exploits the advantages of  PEMFC which  have several advantages such as:  high efficiency, low-temperature operation and are clean functioning [2]. Among  these characteristics, the PEMFC remains  an excellent technology  for  vehicular systems [3]. Thanks to the different

Environmental consequences of the shadow economy

The underground economy is generally defined as a set of economic activities that take place outside the framework of bureaucratic public and private sector establishments (Hart, 2008). Nowadays, it is impossible to conceive an economy free from the underground or the informal economic sector . According to estimates , 54.3% of firms around the world

The importance of nature for improving mindfulness

Introduction Connecting with nature and practicing mindfulness, both, independently, have preventative effects for mental health and well-being. Connecting with nature is associated with “…greater life satisfaction, lower anxiety, improved vitality, meaningfulness, happiness, creativity, pro-social behaviors, and pro-nature behaviors” (Van Gordon, Shonin & Richardson, 2018, p. 1655). Individuals who are more mindful experience greater positive affect,

Study on the consumption of honey in Aragon

Introduction In order to know the commercialization of honey in Aragon and the main distribution channels in the honey market , as well as the preferences, attitudes and purchase motivations that Aragon consumers have towards honey, an exploratory investigation was carried out using primary sources of information based on the survey formulation and for the

Liver diseases and their diagnostics

1. Introduction In the 21st century the technical progress is developing so rapidly. New diagnostic machines appear all over the world and are considered the newest and best tools. Nowadays, the question for whom those devices are the best for, should be asked in a more critical way – best for the patient or best

Methods of detecting an epileptic seizure: overview

Project overview Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that causes unprovoked, recurrent seizures. It is the second most common neurological disease. Approximately, 2.4 million people of all ages are diagnosed with epilepsy annually [9]. The widely used clinical technique for epilepsy diagnosis is using Electroencephalogram (EEG) records. EGG signals correspond to the electrical activity of the brain.

Idioms in the framework of construction grammar

In this final paper, the topic of idioms and constructional idioms in the framework of Construction Grammar is presented and supported by a large number of examples. Also, it is described why these idiomatic concepts are important for the knowledge of language and grammatical analysis. The paper has three main body sections whose content is

Capstone project on telecommunication

Basically, A capstone project is a culminating assessment, which refers to those assessments are completed at the end of the units. Also, we can say that a project or task, which should be developed by the students by their knowledge and their skills. This is the project which is basically given to the students in

Système Bancaire En Tunisie

Durant les années 1950 et 1960, les pays en voie de développement exercent une politique de répression financière, qui empêche leur développement économique ce qui résulte un ralentissement de la croissance économique. De ce fait plusieurs chercheurs critiquent cette politique, ils estiment que la politique de répression qui est appliquée par la majorité des payés

RSA pour la diffusion large de messages

RSA est parmi les algorithmes les plus puissants dans la cryptographie mais avec le mauvais choix des clés du chiffrement et déchiffrement, il peut qu’un pirate attaque l’algorithme très facilement. Plus précisément, nous allons étudier dans cette partie l’influence du choix du composant e sur la puissance de l’algorithme et les possibilités de l’attaque. Le

La production mondiale de soja

S’alimenter est un besoin vital chez l’être humain. C’est pour cette raison que le secteur agro-alimentaire est d’ordre primordial ou l’unique but des industries agroalimentaires est de garantir au consommateur des produits alimentaires stables et sains. L’industrie agroalimentaire parmi les secteurs qui sont en pleine croissance et de façon continue. Il s’agit d’un utilisateur important

La magie: le conflit des interprétations

Fondamentalement, la magie, c’est l’art d’utiliser les forces fantasmagorique pour modifier le réel. Force spirituelle profonde qui concerne la reconstruction mentale et physique d’une personne fondé sur des croyances et des pratiques, basé sur l’idée qu’il existe des pouvoirs mystérieux dans la nature qui peuvent être utilisés pour évoquer ces forces et susciter l’intérêt ou