Ways Humans Impact the Environment

As we may already know, Humans are already considered to altering a huge impact on the environment, whether it is seen to be in a negative way or positive way. There are several of human activities that have tend to create huge impacts on the planet and  have changed the way we view certain things and have changed our perspective on it immensely . Many things have occurred on this planet as we have seen it and some actions have been taking towards it. There are numerous of human activities that have transformed the planet as it is such as black carbon, carbon dioxide emissions, draining rivers and many more.

Human activity on the planet threatened the continuity of human civilization in many ways as we know it and to demonstrate it, this paper will explore the reasons to show an understanding of what is taking place through the continuity of threatening of human civilizations. When viewing the Anthroprocene video given, it is shown that the human activity has an extreme overpowering influence on today’s global environment. In geological terms, was currently living in the Holocene stage of the earth’s existence, a period of time when all the elements have proven most beneficial to our species.  ‘’Human activities are pushing the planet towards a sixth mass extinction’’ professor schools said.(Taylor,1945)‘’ Avoiding, reducing and reversing this problem and restoring degraded land is an urgent priority to protect the biodiversity and ecosystem services vital to all life on earth’’(Taylor,1945) The importance varies and shows the extend of living a long life of human persuading changes including land surface conversion and switching the structure of the atmosphere which has led to the proposal that is said to be we referred to the present, not as within the Holocene Epoch which is known as the current period of the geological time, but instead is seen as the Anthropocene. As we know, human activity is now global. Humans have begun to transform the land surface thousands of years ago through agriculture and other activities. The Anthropocene has already taken on a life and is now the biggest cause of most current environmental change.(Steffen,1945).The impact of human activity will most likely be seen in the physical stratigraphic record for millions of years into the future, which also means that a new epoch has begun.

The geological environment has properly sent

validation of human activity to encourage geological time unit.(Steffen,1945).The Anthropocene movement is picking up its speed and that has led some researchers to schedule an early start date for the Anthropocene. When the group from the Anthroprocene video started exploring, it organized a much longer long list of the changes created by humans. Some researchers argue that it is too soon to make a decision and change to the environment. It will take centuries or longer to know what lasting impact humans are having on the planet. Walker from the video and others cope with human activities that have already been recognized and met in the geological timeline . The only difference between the current warm period, the Holocene, and all the interglacial times during the Anthroprocene is the presence of human societies in the modern one.

The human population has increased more than triple as much. Human activity has extreme affects on the environment, from the earth’s major biogeochemical cycles do to the evolution of life.(Taylor,1945). Human actions have released 555 pentagrams of carbon. The released carbon has immensely increased the ocean water acidity at a rate probably not exceeded in the last 300 million years. Human action also affects non human life.(Gehling,1945)The appropriation of 25-38% of net primary productivity for human use reduces the amount availability for millions of other species on earth which shows how much of the human activity on planet has threat the continuity of with human civilizations. This also brings us to the second topic. Human activities, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels, are altering the climate system. Human driven changes in land use and land cover such as deforestation, urbanization, and shifts in vegetation patterns also alter the climate, resulting in changes to the reflectivity of the Earth surface emissions from burning forests, urban heat island effects and changes in the natural water cycle.(Gehling,1945) Human civilizations have their ways in the biosphere but could it be seen differently? The limits or the capacity of handle of the biosphere has only recently been seen. This is in detail due to the information given of the statistic growth of the human species, but also to the society’s reaction of environment. Demographic enlargement is an excellent example of an indirect behaviour, in fact, also known as an exaggerating one.

There is no shock but a few decades ago, human society became face to face with a much larger population than usually recognized, even though the mathematical formalisms for calculating the trends have been known for a long time. It means also that for thousands of years the population issue and the effects of human activities were not fully visible(Hamilton,1945) The planet was able to understand the use and misuse of information and to witness the situation. When talking about species, the biodiversity from the bacteria up to mammals; from plankton up to marine life, soil quality, boreal and tropical forests. All the links of the living chain are important for keeping the biosphere stable as it has been for a few decades. Human activities get involved in the strength at risk of creating situations that could not be taking back. (Hamilton,1945) As seen in the video, places within the biosphere and places of large areas in Tropical and the Boreal Forests, areas that are free of trees are a serious threat to biodiversity in these sections and in general. It intensifies soil humiliation, which is a frequent process that could not be reversed. Threats of the following are some of the major damage that results in continuity to human civilization. The followings are, Unsustainable timber exploitation resulting mostly in irreversible destruction of forest results in decreasing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for eliminating GHG concentrations. Ocean and fishing attitudes pH and temperature of the surface waters, food for human populations, the rise of water sea levels endangers vast populations living at the borders of seas and oceans, which tends to rise up 80% of the world population, deserts and desertification the extension of deserts has not only an effect on the loss of biodiversity but threatens large amounts of populations up to around one billion people fresh water balance is perhaps the most critical for entire regions on the planet.(Hamilton,1945) It is related to the melting of ice masses in high mountain chains, the pollution and exploitation of ground water reserves, which are extremely slow to be restored, weather changes, the impact on regional weather conditions in particular related to food production. While looking at all of what has been going on, there are some things that could be done to avoid these type of outcome. Actions can be taken every day to reduce the outcome of the continuous threat of human civilization or the type of print you leave on your environment and its supplies. The number one cause of recent global climate change is human. The solutions are also within the society. Reducing Climate Change is the primary and most important thing to terminate. The following 5 are solutions to end this type of outcome.(Lough,1945) Reducing carbon emissions is one of the ideal things to reduce climate change. Improving energy efficiency, saving usage, and getting alternative fuel sources in transportation could therefore help immensely. Another common one listed would be ocean fertilization. Adding iron to the ocean would help fertilize and develop extreme growth.

Also it is a known fact that adding algae to water helps the underwater plants to devour more carbon. Managing solar radiation also know as adding little amounts of water to the atmosphere increases cloud cover and reduces the amount of  sunlight that glow onto the earth also, by adding solar reflectors out of space. Environmental problems have provided to a majority collapses of civilizations in the past. A large population, overconsumption made by the good and bad choices of technologies is from crucial drivers. Dramatic cultural change provides the main hope of avoiding disaster. (Lough,1945) Today for the first time, humanity\’s global civilization worldwide has expanded and interconnected, highly in society in which we all are to one degree or another. Implant is threatened with collapse by a collection of environmental problem. Many of us assume that climate and weather mean the same thing but it reality, they mean two complete different things. so it is worth thinking about what we actually mean by it. As some people get confused, Climate is not the same as weather. The climate is one of the earths most basic support systems. It determines whether or not we humans are able to adjust the way we live on this planet and are aware of the change our existence may have. It is generated by four components such as the following 4, the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and lastly the biosphere.

As of now, our actions had started to adapt to every one of these constituent. There are now more than 7 billion of us on Earth. As our amount of numbers start to enlarge, we continue to expand our demand for more water, more food, more transport and more energy. As a result, we are extent the rate at which the climate is changing. In fact, our actions are not look upon differently. Our activities now also interact with the complex system that we live on earth. It is major information to grasp and understand how all this could be connected. Overall in conclusion, human activity on the planet in general has threatened the continuity to human civilization.