- Dissertation Économique

Dissertation Économique

The problem of unemployment in the modern world

In the 30s, the term of unemployment was used on people who were against unbalanced labour.  They refused the job because of unfair conditions such as low wages and unsafe work environment.  It is voluntary unemployment. They maintain a normal rate of unemployment(M. Stefan, 2013).  However, due to the economic crisis, involuntary unemployment became the

Financial solutions in Austria

Firstly, Financing for Development (FfD) is an essential assistance for the growth of nations and individuals. However, according to the General Assembly, there is a lacking of $1.5 trillion in funding for infrastructure investments is not only detrimental to businesses and governments, but also to society and generations following. Official Development Assistance (ODA) system didnt

External environment analysis of my organization

Analysing my external environment is crucial. Indeed, there are several tools for analysing my external environment to help me develop a winning business strategy. Any organisation that evaluates these objectives and resources should know that examining its external environment is critical to its success. This is because we live in a world that is not

Economic problems of Venezuela

Introduction First of all, Venezuela has been one of the most promising country in terms of economic standards. Venezuela used to be a democratic country like Canada and during this time the country was growing rapidly since the 1920’s. This country was the richest South-American country because of their production of oil which is a

Le prix du kilowattheure de gaz et d’électricité

Vous êtes un particulier et vous souhaitez vous informer sur le prix du kilowattheure de gaz et d’électricité ? Vous désirez souscrire un nouveau contrat d’énergie ou modifier votre abonnement ? Découvrez dans cet article l’essentiel sur le prix du kWh en fonction des différents types d’offres. Vous êtes un particulier et vous souhaitez vous

Accounting software in business

It is important to think and put in place an accounting software adapted to the activity of the company even if the company only offers services to their clients. This approach will allow the company to better track transactions and therefore the payment of bills, so it is a saving of time they will have

Gender wage gap studies

What is the gender wage gap caused by and how does the discrimination affect female employees and the society? The human capital theory attributes wage differences to variables such as education, experience and attachment to the labor market. However, women have always worked. The innovations of the 20th century have led to great economic and

The problem of homelessness in Canada

Homeless people are those who are unable to afford the rent of the houses because of the high living standards of the society. It also means to the person who is not able to afford for shelter, food, clothes and education. Another cause of this problem is unemployment, discrimination, racism and the relationship breakdowns. Nowadays,

Indian Financial Markets: the capital market

Since the beginning of the process of liberalization, globalization and other reforms in various sectors of the economy in 1991, the character, complexion and profile  of the Indian Financial Markets have undergone cataclysmic changes.  The Indian financial market is now integrated with the global financial markets more directly than at any point of time in

The principle of shareholder primacy in the U.S.

This article depicts the seismic impact shareholder preeminence has had on corporations, workers and the community which was contended against by former legal scholar Lynn stout she opposed to the principle that organizations must be run to maximize the wealth of shareholders, which she raised in her novel written in the year 2012 titled The

The relationship between foreign direct investment and foreign trade

The literature review on this topic is not univocal. Contributions of economists such as (Mundell, 1957) show that Foreign Direct Investment has a negative influence on foreign trade. Starting from hecksher – Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) ‘s traditional theoretical framework, this model highlights that differences in productivity across countries are not the only explanation for comparative advantage.