What is cranial massage and how it works

Granted, on the happiness scale, cranial massage comes out on top. But in addition to its “relaxing” benefits, did you know that a cranial massage could also relieve migraines, improve digestion or solve insomnia problems?

Patting the hair, modeling the scalp… Cranial massage comes in different forms. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is a protocol that is several thousand years old. It follows its fundamental rules, namely that each pain felt is due to a lack of global harmony and not to a dysfunction of a particular area. To restore the energy balance and relieve tensions, the practitioner works on different acupuncture points located on the head, but not only.


The idea is to gradually stimulate the meridians. The protocol begins with a hand and forearm massage that activates the acupuncture points related to the head, neck and face. “The hands each have about ten points with powerful actions. Located between the thumb and the index finger, the “HEGU” point relieves headaches and other pains such as sinusitis and toothache,” explains Nathalie Nguyen, trainer in traditional Chinese medicine at the House of Tui Na. The “HOU XI” point, located on the abductor muscle of the little finger, has an action on the cervical vertebrae and allows to treat torticollis or certain types of headache. The ritual continues with slow and precise work on the neck muscles that are over-used in daily life: the scalenes and the sternocleidomastoid muscle (often abbreviated to SCOM and known as the torticollis muscle). The practitioner then works on the sensitive and tense areas of the skull by alternating deep and then lighter acupressure techniques on the top of the head and the temples. This helps to unclog congested tissues but also to stimulate points that calm the mind and improve the circulation of blood and energy (Qi) in the head. Finally, the area around the eyes, the forehead and temples as well as the jaws are stimulated by kneading and smoothing to bring a deep feeling of relaxation.


Performed according to the rules of the art, cranial massage has many virtues:
– It fights against fatigue
– It reduces stress
– It alleviates headaches
– It fights insomnia
– It calms tension in the neck and upper back

If the headaches persist or cause real incapacity, a medical consultation is necessary.

How to self-massage the