Rhinoplasty: description and advice

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty or nose correction surgery is a cosmetic and restorative surgery intended to reshape the nose. It is recommended for patients who are socially or psychologically embarrassed by their nose, because it has one or more characteristics considered unsightly. It can correct various aspects such as the presence of a bump, a deviation, a tip of the nose that is too high, too low or bulky, or a nose described as too wide or too long. The ideal candidates for a rhinoplasty must have completed the growth of their faces generally from 18 years, be in good health and preferably non-smoker.

In addition, they must have realistic expectations of the results. Rhinoplasty can significantly improve the nose functionality, breathing and sleep quality. Besides the physical function, the nasal correction surgery has a psychological benefit on patients who are uncomfortable with their physical appearance related to nose imperfection. For it can strengthen self-confidence and self-esteem. The nose being the center of the face, this intervention will harmonize the face and contribute to improving the well-being of the patient.

The patient undergoes a preoperative examination that is absolutely essential. It allows the precise photographic study of your face, thus gives a clear idea of the result. In addition, the patient should follow the surgeon’s instructions. In other words, advice to be adopted before and after the surgery, so that the intervention goes in perfect conditions and healing proceeds in a smooth way without any complication.

The nose is a complex organ made up of soft tissue such as the skin, fat and cartilage, but also hard tissue, mainly bone. The tip of the nose is composed of the wing cartilage which creates the roundness of the tip. In fact, when the nose is thin, the wing cartilage is rather tight and when the nose is wide, it is rather spread or even too bulky. This wing cartilage is prolonged after a millimeter fold by the cartilage triangular. In the middle, the seat of the nose is made up of a septum called the septum which is cartilaginous, then bony on the upper part.

The top of the nose, for its part, is made up of bone, the clean bones of the nose which meet on the midline which are often at the origin of the bumps which must be corrected thanks to rhinoplasty. The skin is another important component of the nose, because its

thickness and the thickness of the underlying fat condition the results. During a complete rhinoplasty, all the elements can be corrected in order to restore balance, but also to reduce certain bone or cartilaginous excess.

Rhinoplasty lasts 1H30 to 2 hours approximately, and is carried out under general anesthesia. The surgeon often makes an incision inside the nostrils, and sometimes on the outer skin between the nostrils under the tip of the nose. Through this incision, the practitioner can sculpt or reposition the bone and cartilage structures that cause the deformation. Then, the incisions are sutured at the end of the intervention. A shaping dressing is applied to the nose, supplemented by a support and protection splint or by a plaster depending on the case. The scars are invisible.

Regarding hospitalization, it is done on an outpatient basis with discharge either on the same day for a correction of the nasal tip, or the next day. During the first days after the intervention, it is necessary to breathe by mouth. Also, swelling will appear in the operated area. It is recommended to sleep with your head elevated in order to reduce it. The threads inside the nostrils will be absorbed, but the threads on the skin are removed after a week. As for the splint, it is removed after 7-10 days. The patient will notice bruising, swelling and a feeling of nasal blockage. The bruising will go away within the first two weeks, as will the feeling of stuffy nose. The swelling will gradually decrease over several weeks.

A physiological saline spray will be prescribed to hydrate the inside of the nose and prevent crusts. Its use is recommended several times a day and for a few months. You must absolutely not blow your nose during the first weeks. Rhinoplasty provides remarkable results, especially in cases of flat nose, bump on the nose and wide nostrils. Besides, the proportions between the nose and the face are restored. The final result will be seen after a year approximately with the most harmonious nose shape possible. Note that the patient’s expectations as to the result must be modulated according to the morphology or trauma of departure, and the skin thickness.

Scars and Recovery

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex cosmetic surgery procedures; it requires a great deal of precision and delicacy from the surgeon. Although rhinoplasty is often requested for purely aesthetic reasons, the surgery can also correct birth defects or repair the deformities caused by trauma. Whatever the motivation, pre and postoperative care have a significant impact on the success of rhinoplasty and the convalescence period. When the incisions are inside, the scars are invisible from the outside. When they are outside, the scars are visible only during the first weeks of healing until they mature. The stitches placed are usually absorbable. Moreover, pain after the intervention is rare and is well relieved by simple analgesic treatments.

After the rhinoplasty procedure, the scars change over time, going through different phases. The inflammatory phase occurs immediately after the surgical procedure. During this period, the scar takes on a rosy appearance, hard to the touch. It can sometimes be swollen, even slightly painful. This phase is a normal process during which the body mobilizes the resources necessary for healing. In the meantime, to put all the possible chances on their side, the patient will be able to take a certain number of precautions in order to better control the cosmetic result of their scar.

The recovery time depends on the type of rhinoplasty, it varies between 8 and 15 days. In the case of a functional rhinoplasty, the patient should take a work-free rest of approximately 7 to 14 days which will be prescribed by the doctor. The nose then remains fragile for one month. It is therefore advisable to avoid any risky sports practice. Healing process usually lasts around a year. At first, the scars are all red then turn pink and finally blend into the patient’s skin texture. After a few months, even when they are external, they become barely visible. The patient also saw edema and bruising on the eyelids, but they disappear after ten days. For about 10 to 20 days, the patient should get complete rest. The length of their recovery depends on their professional activities.

The results of rhinoplasty are long-lasting. Although the initial swelling will disappear in a few weeks, your new nasal contour may take up to a year to fully improve. Meanwhile, you should observe progressive changes in the appearance of your nose as it refines. As your body ages, it’s natural for your face, including your nose, to change gradually. But most of your improvements should be relatively permanent. The goal of this surgery is to improve, not achieve perfection. If the patient has realistic wishes, thus the result will be satisfactory.

Before/After pictures of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgery aimed at reshaping the nose, following a trauma, a malformation or for aesthetic reasons. In the case of a nasal obstruction, the nose is reshaped to restore good breathing.  This section includes all clinical cases with photos before and after rhinoplasty. Most patients wish to have rhinoplasty because they see their nose as an imperfect element, which is not in harmony with the rest of their face. Besides, rhinoplasty really changes the face of people. This can give a beautiful and natural result which overall makes the face more attractive. Before and after photos are always taken in similar circumstances, without software editing, and published with the patient’s consent. Such a result cannot be guaranteed: each patient and each situation is unique.

Advice before Rhinoplasty

If rhinoplasty is today at the top of the aesthetic interventions required on the face, it is because redoing one’s nose is one of the aesthetic wishes most sought by women in particular and by men too. It is a meticulous medical act. This is why you must be well informed and have pre-operative advice. During the two weeks preceding the intervention, it is recommended that no medication containing aspirin should be taken. In addition, it is recommended to quit smoking because of the risks of necrosis related to smoking.

In fact, it is imperative to stop smoking at least three weeks before the intervention and up to a month after. In fact, smoking increases the operating complications linked to general anesthesia. It delays healing and increases the risk of necrosis and infection. Current treatments (even oral contraceptives) must be reported to the plastic surgeon who may decide to discontinue them. The patient should not eat and drink at least 8 hours before the procedure. Moreover, alcohol drinks are prohibited for at least one week before and after the rhinoplasty because alcohol interferes with anesthetic medicines.

For women, you must present yourself without makeup on the day of the operation. It is recommended to wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off. The patient should report any medical and surgical medication and history. However, multivitamins are advised to be taken two weeks before the surgery. Even if the hospitalization will not exceed 24 hours, plan a sick leave of at least 3 days if you work. Nevertheless, the patient should be as fit and healthy as possible during the recovery process and reach their best weight.

Advice after Rhinoplasty

In order to avoid any complications and promote good healing, it is important not to take any medication without the surgeon’s prescription. You should rest and avoid any significant muscular effort or sports activity, for a shock on the nose during sports could lead to a new fracture of the nose and a reoperation. Furthermore, the patient should sleep with head elevated to ensure the absorption of eyelid edema. They should also stop smoking in order to guarantee better healing. Besides, it is advised to avoid exposure to the sun for at least two months.

After rhinoplasty intervention, it is recommended to clean the nose 3-4 times a day with physiological saline in the first three days with a pipette then possibly with a spray of sea water. It is not forbidden to blow your nose but it is better to avoid it. Aggressive blowing could cause bleeding by falling scarrings. The patient should not touch the scars nor the inside of the nose and should not use a cotton swab to disinfect the inside. In addition, the patient can use an ice pack, provided that they do not put it in direct contact with the skin in order to reduce inflammation and edema. The surgeon may prescribe some painkillers which is necessary during the first few days in order to reduce the pain or any feeling of discomfort.