Information System technologies: Decision Support System and Cloud Computing

The primary and crucial benefit of Information Systems (IS) for all companies and organizations, whether a large worldwide enterprise or a small family-owned, is to allow companies to operate more efficiently, effectively, and maximize their productivity. Almost every work environment is mostly dependent on information technology, and considering that computer-based systems are used extensively, it is beneficial for companies to incorporate IS into their system.

The adaptability of IS enables reprogramming that aid in the development and expansion of a company. With IS, different factors in the company’s operations are readily evaluated that will help to achieve a higher level of efficiency, encourage better commutations and increase the productivity of the workforce, enables better decision making, and bolster the company’s competitive edge.

1. Decision Support System (DSS)

A Decision Support System (DSS) is defined as a computerized application that facilitates in gathering and analyzing business information, documents and data, and arrange and classify large quantity of data to help solve issues and make essential quality decisions for operations, planning, and management. DSS generally incorporates technology into the executive decision-making procedure, and the use of computers is instrumental to the benefits of a decision support system. The main advantages of DSS are to improve the entire performance of the company and develop its assets that can maintain its broader margin over competitors.

With the advance in technology, DSS is basically now an application and can be installed in most computers such as desktops or laptops, and even on mobile devices with DSS applications. The adaptability of DSS is hugely advantageous for those who often travel as it gives them the chance to be well informed all the time and be able to make company decisions on the road or right away.

Most companies use DSS to the advantage of their company, and the bank is one example. DSS is used by bank officers to check their customer’s data for a credit loan application. DSS applications are also commonly used for financial reports, payrolls, and inventory, and can be set to generate various types of reports according to the user’s requirements. DSS is also used by companies to gather information (data) from their resources using a tool called Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). OLAP allows a company to dig and discover the correlation of data of multiple variables to evaluate from different perspectives, thus help improve the business decision-making. DSS can be automated, human-powered, or both.

Generally identified as

an organizational process, DSS helps mangers evaluate various alternatives and select the ideal and best option.  While DSS is a combination of database and interface, it is not an easy task to develop.  Most DSS experience failures throughout the initial development process and also during or after the implementation process, as most DSS needs to be deliberate to avoid failure. Each problem has more than one solution, and every solution has its strengths and weaknesses (Bumblauskas, Gemmill, Igou, & Anzengruber, 2017).

Managers can be burdened with organizing and analyzing the large quantity of information and data, and  DSS can assist managers in reducing and managing a load of information. Applying Decision Support System may increase the analytical aspect and overstate the decision process and decision making.  Therefore, managers should be well informed of the broader structure of business decision making and should consider other factors that can influence the success of the company.

With companies’ constant process of searching enhancement for their business performance, a robust decision support system can provide companies with a continual competitive advantage over their competitors.   Decision Support System can boost the company’s efficiency and can be highly advantageous to the company’s performance, but it can also bring about the wrong idea, erroneous analysis, and confusion.  The purpose of DSS is to assist managers in analyzing hypothetical situations and not substitute a manager’s assessment or judgment.  The load of responsibility still remains with the manager.

2.  Cloud Computing

The success of a company is primarily grounded on its attractiveness to the consumers. Most consumers like everything to be dependable, secure, and portable.  Cloud Computing is the distribution of various computing services through the internet (“the cloud”), which includes but not limited to, intelligence, software, networking, storage, analytics, servers, and databases.  It is called cloud computing because the data or information that is being reached is located in a cloud or a temporarily simulated place. The cloud offers quicker innovations, a high level of economy, and adaptable resources.

Cloud computing bears the tasks required of processing data apart from the computer device you are using, whether remote or sitting at your desk at work or home. The internet turns into cloud, making your data reachable from any computer device while you connect to the internet in any part of the world. Cloud computing is still a recently offered service; however, it is being used by both large and small corporations, businesses, and consumers.

Saving files or data on a computer is called local storage.  This means that when you wanted to access previously saved files, you have to access the same device where the files were saved. Storing files or programs on local drives or hard drives can keep data more secure since it is harder to access.  Some people may think that with all of the new technology, that it is better to save information on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive, external hard drive, or disks. Still, the drawback of these methods is that saving files on a removal drive lets you access more computers, but you need to remember to bring the drive with you (Ali, Khan & Vasilakos, 2015).

The four types of clouds are private, public, community, and hybrid. A private cloud is reserved for use by a single company with absolute control over the security and data, and protected by a firewall and managed internally. The cloud can be hosted internally or externally, and is beneficial for companies that have high security, management demands, and have minimal downtime requirements.

Public cloud is a type of hosting that offer their services on servers and store data on the internet. The services are offered through a network for public utility. The users share the cost or can be free or pay-as-you-use. By using their User’s account, anyone can gain access to the services.

Community cloud provides cloud services to a restricted number of people or organizations that are secured and managed generally by involved organizations or a third-party service provider.  Member organizations usually have similar operations, security, and confidentiality. This type of cloud is excellent for businesses with joint venture projects or research that need a centralized computing facility. A community cloud is usually used by governments, trading companies, and banks.

The last cloud is called a Hybrid cloud, which is a combination of the best of both public and private clouds.  Both clouds can be used simultaneously but can stand as two separate bodies. Most companies use this kind of cloud for the simple reason that it allows the company to connect and interact with customers on a public cloud, while at the same time keeping their data safe in a private cloud.

The advantage of using cloud computing is not only for accessing data on different computer devices. With cloud computing services, it is now possible for users to check their emails on any devices, save files on Dropbox, and even make copies of music and photo data files that can be retrieved in case the data is lost or destroyed. Another advantage of cloud computing services is its cost-saving capability. Big companies can save a considerable chunk of money from buying expensive servers, hardware, expensive IT management, and maintenance. Companies can invest more on fast internet connections, so employees can operate cloud computing and complete their work.

With advantages comes with some risks in cloud computing. The main issue with cloud computing is security, particularly with data concerning financial and medical files.  There is always a big chance for servers to be paralyzed by coding errors or bugs in the computer program, or natural disasters and power disruption. With many people accessing files in a single web site or service, accidental mistakes can also happen while using cloud computing that can transmit data throughout the entire system.

Despite the popularity of cloud computing, many businesses are still uncertain about which data and applicatioins to store to the cloud and which ones to retain in their server.  The privacy and security threat linked with cloud computing must be measured versus the advantages and options.