Artificial intelligence in business

Artificial intelligence is a set of theories put together in a machine to try to reproduce human intelligence. Artificial intelligence is used to make a machine resonate, to make it capable of learning, and to make it capable of improving itself. This technology was born in 1950 thanks to the mathematician Alan Turing where he continues the debate on artificial intelligence by proposing “The Turing Test”. The theory of this intelligence is to let a computer or a machine discover by itself the best approach to a problem or to the solution of a problem. If you give enough data and a result you want to receive to a computer, it will gradually adjust its parameters and eventually perform the task such as translating a document, establishing links or describing an image.

Artificial intelligence has been added to several companies in recent years and one of them is the Canadian company Mirego, a digital product creation company. In 2018, Mirego is launching a “joint venture specializing in solutions based on the use of artificial intelligence and adapted to companies engaged in the digital transformation of their business” (LeSoleil, L’intelligence artificielle au service des entreprises, June 21, 2018 by Yves Therrien). The goal of this initiative is to provide business solutions using analysis tools that process large amounts of data. It will help its clients who are engaged in the digital transformation of their business. Albert Dang-Vu, President and CEO of Mirego is not looking to replace his workforce with machines, on the contrary, his initiative is creating new jobs in Quebec. The goal is to make the worker’s job easier and more accessible.

The advantages of artificial intelligence in everyday life are numerous and extensive, but for a company the benefits would be: optimization of production and a better quality of life at work. Production is optimized thanks to machines that learn by themselves. They allow robots to make all kinds of calculations in real time to adapt their speed. It speeds up production, increases productivity and reduces costs and lead times. Burn-out phenomena are more and more problematic for companies because of large doses of stress and to heavy workloads. This is where voice assistants come into play in the workspace. They facilitate and speed up many tasks such as helping to find the content you are looking for, translating a text, writing faultless and fast emails, launching different operations simultaneously.

These are actions that relieve the worker and help his workload. All this contributes to making the worker feel better at work and ultimately to improved productivity.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence is not the answer to everything, many things can go wrong such as: The quality and relevance of the data and the failure of the intelligence systems. Artificial intelligence is not like a magic recipe with an answer to everything, the results of the systems are dependent on the quality and quantity of data. If the data used to build the algorithms contain biases, the generated algorithm will also contain these biases, or even amplify them. The reliability of intelligence can contribute to a risk in companies: that of information system failure. Artificial intelligence systems can fail just like any other computer equipment and can cause business interruption and/or major malfunctions such as data loss, errors and inconsistent information.