Potential attacks and threats on MANET VANET and FANET

5. Potential attacks and threats on MANET VANET and FANET

5.1. Attacks on MANET

Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANETs) are vulnerable to numerous attacks [21] [22]. The following table describes briefly some exiting attacks with the focus on their types, the affected layer of the OSI model and the targeted security services.

Attacks Concepts Types Layers Services

-Capture and extract sensitive and personal information
(data and routing packets) -Passive or
-Network – Authentication
-Jamming attack
-Injection of noisy signals at the physical layer to affect communication
-Leads to a denial of service -Active
-External -Physical -Availability
-Service integrity
-Collision attack -injection of false control messages at the same times with other transmission to make a collision, drop messages
-Leads to a denial of service -Active
-External -Link -Availability
-Data integrity
-Greyhole -Modifying routes and pretend node to have the optimal route
-Redirecting the network traffic through particular links
-Collecting, modifying or deleting data
-Leads to a denial of service -Active
-Network -Availability
-Data integrity
– Authentication
-Routing (Table Overflow, Table Poisoning, Replication, Rushing…etc.) -Attacks against the routing protocols employed in the networks
-Creating false routes, sending pretended updates, replicating expired packets… etc.
-Prevent creating routes, isolating some parts of the network, height consummation in bandwidth and power energy -Active
-Network -Availability
-Data integrity
-Sybil -Duplicating the malicious node with multiple identities of nonexistent nodes
-Affecting the cooperation between nodes
-Leads to a denial of service -Active
-Network -Availability
-Service integrity
-IPspoofing -Impersonation of identity using falsified IP addresses
– Denying services and avoid locating the source of the attack
-Making a trust relationship between two nodes to take control of one of them -Active
-Network -Availability
– Service integrity
-Non -repudiation
-State pollution -Falsifying parameters in replay
-allocating an occupied ip address to new nodes
-Flooding the network by broadcast of duplication address detection messages
-Network -Availability
-Data integrity
-SYN Flooding -Sending many SYN requests for establishing connections with a victim node
-Leads to a denial of service -Active