Culture of Morocco

Moroccans are culturally open and tolerant, given the geographical position of the country it is the meeting point of different cultures. The religion of the majority of the Moroccan people is about 99% Muslim (, 2018), Christians and Jews represent the rest. The constitution guarantees the practice of different religions to other believers freely, several cathedrals and churches are open in different cities of the country. The official languages ​​in Morocco are Berber and classical Arabic. The country also has other languages, first French and then Spanish, especially in northern Morocco where the two Spanish cities Ceuta and Melilla are located. In recent times, English too has become paramount in the country given the importance of international exchanges for the country. Moroccan society is very unique. In spite of the globalization and the evolution of the world the society always gives a great importance to the hospitality, the solidarity, and other principle.    GDP (gross domestic product) is an economic indicator, it is one of the major aggregates. It measures the economic activity of a country during a year, it measures all the production and wealth made by the various economic agents residing in the country. In 2017, Morocco\’s GDP is estimated at $ 109.14 Billion. The ranking of countries by GDP according to data from the IMF (international monetary fund) gives Morocco the place 61 just after Kuwait and before Ukraine.

The country\’s economic activity is still growing, the GDP growth rate has changed by 4.1% (World Bank, 2017). Since 2008 GDP has increased from $ 92.51 Billion to $ 109.14 in 2017, it is almost the maximum value that reached the country in 2014 $ 109.88 Billion.   GDP per capita in turn measure the level of economic activity, it is the GDP of the country divided by the total number of inhabitants. This indicator is effective for measuring the development of a country, but can represent inequalities in the wealth of a population as an average. The year of 2017 was a feat for the country, GDP per capita. has reached a maximum value of $ 3292.4 it is the largest since 1966 or the value of the indicator had reached its lowest level $ 1856.92.  Despite the continued growth of this indicator, GDP per capita. Morocco has a fairly average level in comparison with other Arab countries. Before agriculture was the only strong point for the kingdom, with the

entry of the automobile industry the country can do better the next years.