The problematics of female representation in advertising

“The purpose of advertising is to sell” (Lier, By Kim, 2017). Today’s advertisements present us with images far from the real ones, most of which are represented to us by the men and women of our society. In my work, I will talk about the role of advertising in society, showing how its image has become a subject that touches and threatens our sensibilities. The debate can be put here on two points: the first being the focus on women and the second point relates to the relationship between the published product and the appearance of the woman that is highlighted. Is it normal to use a woman’s body to sell a product?

Definition of Advertising and historical

Advertising is a form of communication that aims to focus on the target so that the target adopts a desired behavior. Advertising was born in antiquity in the form of a mural. It was discovered 1000 years before Jesus Christ. But it took place in 1836 when a publisher named Girardin Emile who published the first advertisements in his newspaper. This will lead some of its competitors to want to embark on this adventure. This is the case of “Figaro”The history of advertising began in the media and then in advertising posters at the beginning of the 20th century. In the same century, new media appeared, notably radio in 1928, where the first advertisement was broadcast. As a then, advertising has become an important part of competition between media groups. (Lic Daymette and Montenegro Daymette, 2017)

Advertising also allows us to see the evolution of the world in the face of our customs and values over time. Advertising is all around us. She grew up: on television, on the radio, in magazines, on the Internet and on the street. It is a very good tools for capitalism, hence the consumption of products by consumers. In Canada, advertising is highly regulated. Advertising law has become a very profitable legal specialty. There are various forms of advertising such as persuasive and informative advertising, projective or integrative advertising, mechanical advertising and suggestive advertising.

Women and Advertising

Today, women play a very important role in advertising. Its image is used to attract customers. For some, it is a way of instilling curiosity on the part of the consumer. The woman expresses sensuality, attraction and sexuality through her forms. To continue my research work, it is important to know: what role does

a woman play in the presentation of a product?

Remember that women, despite being targets, are also an important marketing topic. Their photos can be used to illustrate a product. Todays most advertisements use women, for profit. The woman’s body is used to promote different women’s products such as lipsticks, mascaras. However, women (consumers) are better identified in relation to what they consume. This can sometimes affect their own image and image in society. It can be said that the image of the ideal woman is reduced in advertisements.

Generally, the woman found in the advertisements is beautiful, young, active, thin, flawless skin and always well put. She is considered a consumer of her own products through her stereotypes such as housewife, femme fatale, woman object target consumers also identify themselves. Through its provocative image, it aims to draw particular attention to the product for sale. Sometimes the images we see often have nothing to do with the product we are sold and the feminine character. Here, women are seen as an instrument that can satisfy men’s desires.

Advertising has drawbacks on its audience; because it is dangerous for some women, such as young girls. These can be identified through certain advertisements. These impacts can be: impacts on the girl, impact on lifestyle, impact on society. This phenomenon becomes more and more risky because the woman or girl wants at all costs to look like these different women represented in the advertisements. This can lead to consequences such as health problems such as; anorexia, bulimia, alcoholism.

Young girls are most affected because they are sensitive. Some go so far as to kill themselves to end their mental and physical suffering. It is therefore important to better control them in order to keep them true and healthy. (Francine Descarries, 1998) For this there are organizations to combat abusive ads, such as the Office of Advertising Audit. In 2001, the office introduced ethics rules that prohibited derogatory, humiliating and violent advertisements. We also note the arrival of feminist groups that will denounce certain advertisements. They denounce the indecency of the human being, especially that of the woman.

In Canada, for example, there are different levels of government as well as non-governmental organizations that deal with consumer complaints. (Government of Canada, 2018). In order to better put an end to all this, here are some procedures to follow to denounce advertisements that devalue the image of women.


In conclusion, we can say that the image that women play in advertising influences their image in society. Generally, the woman is considered a housewife, but over time she has emancipated herself by becoming a financially and professionally independent woman: she is a free woman. Advertising is a simple reflection of the society in which we live, but also promotes the change in our behaviour. So the fact that some advertisements appeared, this led to the creation of many feminist movements.

Some denounce the fact that the image of women is misused in advertisements while devaluing the woman to a simple object reduced to desire and seduction. More often than not, the image of the woman used in advertising is diminished. The woman is pampered and her body becomes just an object of commerce. According to (Annie Mignard,, mars 1976.) “My body is mine. Not an instrument that can be rented, abandoned, but even being. Advertisers use women’s bodies to better attract customers and sell their products. Thus, we can say that the place that women are important in advertising, is important, but does she hope for a good future in advertising?”