- Dissertation Social

Dissertation Social

Empowerment in the educational field

Originating from sociology as a discipline and the social work targeting the underprivileged social groups, the concept of empowerment had recently taken new directions of retrieving the voice of socially-situated individuals facing various political, social, educational, and institutional obstacles. Generally, the concept of empowerment implies the existence of powerless individuals or social groups who seek

A stateless society: a Marxist utopia?

Nowadays, the State  plays a central role in our societies, economy and daily life. However it wasn’t always the case. Different schools of thought have been thinking on the way to establish a society without state, like the anarchist. With the rise of the Marxism, another theory emerged, believing in the ideal of a society

Les besoins des personnes âgées – astuces pour adapter le domicile des seniors

Dans son âge avancé, un individu peut avoir des problèmes de mobilité. Les séniors ont des besoins différents des autres personnes en matière de logement. L’aménagement d’habitation pour seniors est donc un aspect important quand on souhaite rester à domicile. La solution peut être de lui offrir un logement adapté. Un logement qui permette à

Perspectives sociales

Cognitive: Cette perspective est centrée sur le savoir; c’est à dire un ensemble de connaissances et de compétences non innées et également à sa mise en application dans des activités quotidiennes comme au travail. Dans ce cas, nous voyons que ce n’est pas tous les employés qui possèdent un bagage et une expérience dans le

The role of doctors in treating the patient

Products such as  Thermometers, Blood Glucometer, Blood pressure monitor, Pulse oximeter, Weighing scale, Wheel chair, Steam inhalers are devices intended for patients who are not availing healthcare facility. This includes devices for use in both professional healthcare facilities and homes. In-case pharmacy runs a minor ailment service for eczema, for example, it means that pharmacist

Informed consent in medicine

Informed consent forms are employed in medicine analysis as a mechanism to convey study data to potential subjects in order that they will gain a call regarding their disposition to participate. though the Department of Health and Human Services laws for the Protection of Human Subjects need the presentation of specific study data at tier

Mobile phones and children

Today is the generation of mobile phones and everyone in your eyesight or memory mostly does have a smart phone. About 95% of the U.S. teens have a smartphone and about 45% of them are constantly accessible to internet (Schaeffer, 2019). This has become an important part of their daily routine. Just take it on

Prise en soin des personnes agees

Introduction Si la démographie actuelle, en terme d’ espérance et d’ allongement de la durée de vie, continue de progresser, et ce, grâce aux évolutions constantes dans le domaine de la recherche médicale, scientifique et technologique, la prévalence des personnes âgées de plus de 80 ans en situation de grande dépendance, ou population dite du

Space heating system in Canada

Residential energy in Canada accounts for 11% of total use (NRC, 2020). Due to the cold climate in Canada, space heating accounts for 61% of the energy used in Canadian households. Space and water heating collectively accounts for 80% of residential energy use. Natural gas is primarily used to provide energy for space heating equipment

The importance of nature for improving mindfulness

Introduction Connecting with nature and practicing mindfulness, both, independently, have preventative effects for mental health and well-being. Connecting with nature is associated with “…greater life satisfaction, lower anxiety, improved vitality, meaningfulness, happiness, creativity, pro-social behaviors, and pro-nature behaviors” (Van Gordon, Shonin & Richardson, 2018, p. 1655). Individuals who are more mindful experience greater positive affect,

Environmental, Social & Governance criteria in investing

Although the choice of investment is a complex decision that takes into account multiple criteria, the preference for socially responsible securities was an additional criterion affecting the investor’s decision. The investor’s sensitivity to responsible investment takes its origin in the 1980’s, when part of them for ethical or religious reasons, began to exclude certain investments such