- Dissertation sur la Médecine

Dissertation sur la Médecine

Les maladies aériennes

Les virus grippaux et le SRAS-CoV2 provoquent des infections courantes des voies respiratoires supérieures et des infections graves des voies respiratoires inférieures (290 000 à 650 000 décès dus au virus grippal par an). Ces virus entrent en contact avec les voies respiratoires par projection directe ou par inhalation secondaire de gouttelettes inhalées dans l’air

Diabète sucré – Troubles endocriniens et métaboliques

Introduction Le diabète sucré est la maladie métabolique la plus courante et est principalement défini par le niveau d’hyperglycémie .selon l’organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), ’’le diabète est une maladie chronique qui survient lorsque le pancréas ne produit pas assez d’insuline ou lorsque l’organisme n’est pas capable d’utiliser efficacement l’insuline qu’il produit .il en

Virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH)

Le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine, ou VIH, est un virus qui attaque le système immunitaire et qui affaibli les défenses naturelles du corps. Cette maladie touche environ 35 millions de gens à travers le monde soit 2/3 en Afrique subsaharienne. Il s’agit d’un ITS, soit d’une maladie transmise sexuellement. L’infection se fait par les fluides

Pharmacy Compliance With These 3 Laws Is Vital

Pharmacies play an essential role in the healthcare industry. These businesses must follow local, state, and federal regulations, so compliance is one of the most important factors to keep up with. If you work in, manage, or own a pharmacy, following these three laws is vital for success. From the DEA: The Controlled Substance Act

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is triggered by a combination of biological and social factors. Behavioral genetic studies of NPD, like studies on twins who did not grow up together, show that genes markedly the personality disorders “emotional” cluster, including NPD (Torgersen, 2000). If this disorder is strongly linked with genetics, individuals are not likely to develop

Study on self-medication with antibiotics (SMA) in Tunisia

Background: Self-medication with antibiotics (SMA) is a worldwide problem contributing to the increase of grave consequences for healthcare practices. This investigation aimed to identify the prevalence and factors correlated with SMA among patients and medical students in Tunisia. Methods: A cross-sectional study based on a structured questionnaire has designed on 752 subjects: 153 patients and 559

Energy Harvesting System inside a 4.7T MRI Scanner

In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment, adding more receiving channels requires a a significant increase in the number of connectors and cables, causing discomfort to the patient. Powering coils or sensor devices inside the MRI scanner could minimize this problem. The challenge here is the ability to recover energy from a 4.7T MRI scanner without

Septic shock study

Introduction Septic shock is a leading cause of mortality in criticallyill patients despite the use of new antibiotics and resuscitation therapies [1, 2]. Given the significance of timely beginning of appropriate antibiotics to optimize septic shock outcomes [1, 2], clinicians must quickly achieve a diagnosis of infection. In fact, it is now accepted that starting

The concept of Yin and Yang in Chinese medicine

Introduction The concept of Yin and Yang is probably the most important and distinctive theory of Chinese medicine, it is a philosophy which has originated from the Chineseancients, and formed the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. TCM is composed of Yin-Yang, Zang Fu,Wu Xing, etc. In recent times, TCM has become popular as a complementary

Le lipofiling mammaire

L’augmentation du volume mammaire réalisée par les propres tissus graisseux de la patiente, est un acte de chirurgie esthétique relativement récente qui permet de développer quelque peu le volume de la poitrine seins ou la correction des anomalies des seins apparues suite à une opération mammaire conservatrice ou une chirurgie de reconstruction mammaire. Le premier

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Kathleen Roach – California Southern University – Psy87700 – Psychopharmacology – March, 2020 What is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that is associated with the witnessing or experiencing of a traumatic event. That event may have occurred in the greater community, an event such as a terrorist attack or natural disaster, or

Patient confidentiality in healthcare

Regarding patient confidentiality, the limits, and what is morally acceptable must be clearly defined. The personal account model takes the perspective that the information given by patients to doctors is personal and should be treated as confidential. It is widely accepted that patients should have the ability to make their own decisions regarding their own