- Dissertation sur la Médecine

Dissertation sur la Médecine

TSA et neurotypique

Depuis le début des années quatre-vingt-dix, de nombreux modèles neuropsychologiques explicatifs du TSA ont apparu (Lafontaine, 2015). Mais, malgré cela, un modèle conceptuel cohérent en mesure d’intégrer les divers déficits entre eux et avec les diverses manifestations cliniques n’a pas encore émergé (Frith, 2003 ; Surian, 2002). La théorie du déficit des fonctions exécutives est

Les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin

Les maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin (MICI) sont classées en deux entités majeurs: la maladie de Crohn (MC) et la recto-colite ulcéro-hémorragique (RCUH), ces deux affections sont caractérisées par une inflammation chronique n’importe où le long de la paroi du tube digestif. Certains patients peuvent présenter des symptômes similaires entre la maladie de Crohn et recto-colite

Le système immunitaire et l’inflammation systémique

Le système immunitaire représente l’ensemble des organes, des tissus et des cellules qui ont pour fonction la défense du corps humain contre une agression externe par un pathogène et la protection contre les cellules anormales. Les cellules immunitaires sont appelées leucocytes ou globules blancs et dérivent toutes de l’hématopoïèse dans la moelle osseuse. Le système

Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Hepatic Tissue

Liver disorders and their morbidity ratio represent an enormous worldwide health care problem. In this context, scientists have tried to use herbal extracts with hepatoprotective effects to bring valuable means for prevention and treatment of hepatic diseases (Shehab et al., 2015). Hepatotoxic agents induce damage to liver and cause disorder in the metabolism. CCl4 has

Quel est le meilleur traitement de l’obésité?

Selon l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, l’obésité consiste en un excès de masse grasse responsables des conséquences néfastes pour la santé. Elle est responsable, de la mort de 2 800 0000 d’individus chaque année partout dans le monde. En pratique, l’obésité se définit à partir de l’index de masse corporelle (I.M.C.) : Quelles techniques de

The impact of client death on health care workers

Health care workers (or aides) may suffer instrumental (e.g. loss of work or pay) and emotional consequences after a client dies. However, aides insignificant relationships with clients and insignificant losses after the death of a client may deny them forms of support typically granted to grievers. That is because health care workers grief are often

Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) in Africa

This paper highlights how poverty affects health care causing epidemic outbreaks of Onchocerciasis, also known as River Blindness in Africa. Although the disease does not directly cause death, it stands as a socio-economic issue due to its effect on families, communities, and countries as a whole. River Blindness is the second leading cause of preventable

The effects of smoking

On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than people who don’t smoke. This means that nonsmokers have more than a decade of their life that smokers don’t. 4.9 million smokers are teens, most teen smokers die at middle age, approximately 45 to 65. Smokers die from various diseases, it’s estimated that 5.6 million

Types of acquired neutropenia

Acquired neutropenia is the most common form of the disease. The disorder can be observed following infections, treatment with various medications, malignancies but also in particular cases of auto-immune diseases. These may impact the bone marrow release and/or production of neutrophils or have a direct effect on mature neutrophils present in the peripheral blood (2).

Human genetic engineering and religion

Genetic engineering (GE) consists of the alteration of an organism’s genetic or hereditary material to eliminate or produce new characteristics. While it has been developed to increase plant and animal production, GE also has many applications in the human healthcare industry. The most recent innovation in gene editing, CRISPR-Cas9 is one of the most promising

The role of nerve growth factor receptors (NGFR) in the development of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by a progressive loss of cognitive ability and memories. An explanation for the loss of cholinergic basal forebrain (CBF) neurons in AD patients has long been under investigation; extensive research has focused on nerve growth factor (NGF) and its effects on these neurons. Hefti et al. (1988) identified nerve growth

Heart diseases in Canada

Heart disease is a general term used to refer to a group of diseases of heart and blood vessels, which are differ by route causes that include coronary artery and vascular diseases, heart rhythm disorders, structural heart disease, and heart failure (Heart and Stroke, 2020). It is the leading cause of death globally.  About 17.9

Discrimination of dark medical caretakers in Canada

This article discusses the unrecognized and undervalued commitments of dark medical caretakers in Canada. Medical caretakers help in care conveyance and shape the social insurance framework in Canada. With the novel Covid-19 infection, attendants are generally expected to help in the human services framework. This is notwithstanding the bigotry that Black medical caretakers have looked