- Dissertation Économique

Dissertation Économique

Remote sensing technologies for Precision Agricultural Aviation (PAA)

Recent increase in world’s population has necessitated the need for boosting production in agriculture to meet the ever increasing population. The continuous application of chemical pesticides to promote crop protection programs is paramount (Glass et al., 2010; Popp et al., 2013). Pesticide usage has become an integral component of modern agriculture and has contributed to

Competencies of an effective leader

Based on analysis and evaluation, leadership and written communication were identified as essential competencies required for the supervisor positions. It is worthwhile noting that, while all leaders have the potential to be good supervisors, not all supervisors are assured to be effective leaders. Leadership is the tactful art and proven ability to motivate, influence and

Environmental justice (EJ) movement against environmental racism in the capitalist world

The position of environmental justice (EJ) has emerged as a constructive discourse to combat environmental issues plagued with racial oppression. However, although EJ encompasses a framework of “fairness and justice, and civil and human rights,” it is not recognized as a legitimate issue by political and economic powers because its discourse is determined by people

Le management des risques liés à la chaîne logistique

Revue de littératureIl existe des risques dans de nombreuses activités du management. C’est ainsi qu’il a été étudié dans de nombreux domaines : stratégie, finance, production, comptabilité, marketing, etc. le management des risques peut s’appliquer à les domaines de management, y compris celui du Supply Chain Management.March et Shapira (1987) ont donné la première définition

La gestion des connaissances (Knowledge Management)

Depuis longtemps, le management de l’information et management de connaissances deviennent les facteurs indispensables pour le fonctionnement et la précision des business, particulièrement dans cette époque des technologies. Parfois, il y a des mélanges didées entre leurs caractéristiques. Pour comprendre la différence entre le Knowledge Management et le management des informations, il est important clarifier

Marketing concepts in the modern world

Marketing as a formalized concept is a relatively new idea, but in practice, it is something that mankind has been doing for centuries. Marketing as a practice simply can be defined “as a social managerial process through which exchanges are created” (Armstrong, G. et al., 2013), however, a more accurate definition of marketing would be,

The challenges of global brands in emerging markets

Introduction Globalization has changed the way many businesses operate and influenced brands that participate on an international scale to adopt global marketing strategies to succeed in the global market. There are many definitions of global brands, but for this chapter, a global brand is one with a global geographic presence and generates a percentage of

Le modèle logique

Dans le context du développement international, le modèle logique (M.L.) est un outil utilisé à la phase de conception de tout projet qui adopte l’approche axée sur les résultats. Giovalucchi et Olivider de Sardan (2009) ont précisé que le M.L. “sert à établir, avant une opération de développement, une série de relation logiques entre des

Short history of women’s rights in Canada

Fundamentally, advocating for the rights of women in Canada during 1960s began with movements that pushed for the equal standing between women and men. First of all, it is worth considering the second wave feminism momentum. This momentum which “involved political and culture shifts” that majorly began to impact the way “women understood themselves and

Spokane Native American tribe and “The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie

The January of 1881, formally established a new home for the Spokane Native American tribe, the Spokane Indian Reservation. The reservation consists of 108,874 acres of forest, 8552 acres of agricultural land, and 10,328 acres of lakes. The history of the reservation is full of struggles, poverty and colonialization. “The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight