- Dissertation Économique

Dissertation Économique

Paratyphoid Vaccine Development: Benefits Evaluation

Abstract Introduction: Paratyphoid is suspected to cause millions of deaths annually, and no paratyphoid vaccine exists. Our objective is to assess the epidemiologic data and the relevant pros and cons surrounding the benefits of developing a paratyphoid vaccine. Material and methods: We performed a critical appraisal of the relevant existing data on paratyphoid (by querying

Le secteur des services

Les biens (matériels) comportent des éléments de service qui peuvent être plus ou moins importants : conseil à la vente, livraison et installations des produits, service après-vente, etc. Un bien tangible peut être acheté pour les services quil fournit, plus le produit est complexe plus la qualité et létendue des services qui laccompagnent influencent ses

Environmental consequences of the shadow economy

The underground economy is generally defined as a set of economic activities that take place outside the framework of bureaucratic public and private sector establishments (Hart, 2008). Nowadays, it is impossible to conceive an economy free from the underground or the informal economic sector . According to estimates , 54.3% of firms around the world

The problems with renewable sources of energy

Due to the ever-increasing doom of climate change, a renewable source of energy with limited carbon emissions is needed. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) found that by 2050, over 80% of the world’s electricity could be derived from renewable sources, and by the end of 2016, it was found that 55 million homes benefitted

Space heating system in Canada

Residential energy in Canada accounts for 11% of total use (NRC, 2020). Due to the cold climate in Canada, space heating accounts for 61% of the energy used in Canadian households. Space and water heating collectively accounts for 80% of residential energy use. Natural gas is primarily used to provide energy for space heating equipment

Environmental, Social & Governance criteria in investing

Although the choice of investment is a complex decision that takes into account multiple criteria, the preference for socially responsible securities was an additional criterion affecting the investor’s decision. The investor’s sensitivity to responsible investment takes its origin in the 1980’s, when part of them for ethical or religious reasons, began to exclude certain investments such

L’utilisation de la fracturation hydraulique pour l’exploitation pétrolière

Mis en évidence pour la première fois vers la fin des années 40, la fracturation hydraulique, aussi appelée «fracking» en anglais,  est le processus utilisé pour «récupérer le pétrole ou le gaz naturel piégé dans des formations rocheuses non poreuses comme le schiste.» (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, 2019) [ma traduction]. De nos jours, il

The challenges of think tanks

Think tanks have stories to tell. No one would, doubt the fundamental role that think tanks plays in shaping policy agendas and in providing platforms to introduce new ideas, nurturing by that an essential debate between the research world and the policy-making one. However, No one would also doubt that think tanks are facing numerous

El proceso de optimización fiscal de las GAFAM

La moneda y los impuestos han sido durante mucho tiempo elementos esenciales de la soberanía estatal, por lo que los Estados eran plenamente soberanos y autónomos en la elección de sus sistemas fiscales y monetarios. Sin embargo, con la globalización, esta autonomía en las decisiones económicas ya no es evidente debido a la apertura de

L’expansion des entreprises FinTech

Même si aujourdhui les institutions financières traditionnelles sont en train de développer leur côté fintech, elles rencontrent toujours les pressions dinnover depuis les start up fintech, qui sont déjà beaucoup avancé dans la domaine technologie. Quand les banques traditionnelles sont toujours en train de concentrer dans la numérisation de leur service financier, les sociétés FinTech

Les pratiques communicationnelles dans le management d’une entreprise

L’objectif primaire d’un dirigeant d’entreprise est la viabilité de son entreprise, toute entreprise qui se respecte quelle que soit sa taille : start-up, Petite Moyenne Entreprise ou encore grande entreprise souhaite la pérennisation de son activité. Pour cela le chef d’entreprise doit créer un climat social agréable pour ses employés afin qu’ils puissant travailler de

Study on the consumption of honey in Aragon

Introduction In order to know the commercialization of honey in Aragon and the main distribution channels in the honey market , as well as the preferences, attitudes and purchase motivations that Aragon consumers have towards honey, an exploratory investigation was carried out using primary sources of information based on the survey formulation and for the