- Culture


Theories of postcolonial translation

According to “Susan Bassnett”, translation doesn’t exist in a vacuum but rather in a continuum. It is not an isolated act, but it is a part of a dynamic process through which many intercultural transfers are taking place. Translation is neither a transparent nor an innocent act, because it is loaded of significations at each

Architecture of the Chicago school

The Chicago school was a movement of architecture but also of urbanism. At that time, its architects advocated a new, simpler, and utilitarian style, which could be referred as “commercial style” and was opposed to the more traditional European style. If on the one hand, the utilitarian style of this school of architecture sought reality

Classical Greece and Ancient Rome

First of all, Greek and Roman are two civilizations that was located close to each other in the Mediterranean. Rome shows similarities with the Greek civilization but beside this, there are still major differences between the two civilizations. The history of two civilizations, Ancient Rome and Greece can be compared and contrasted by using several

The importance of cultural programs for indigenous individuals in incarceration in Canada

This final report will be focused on the overrepresented population of indigenous individuals in incarceration within the Canadian criminal justice system. This paper will examine how cultural programs can help support the indigenous population in prisons and ultimately help reduce indigenous incarceration rates in general. There is a direct correlation between mental wellness and self-identity

American and Japanese cultural interaction in the movie Gung Ho

Introduction A critical aspect of modern-day business is the acknowledgement and adaptation to cultural barriers that has become necessary with the popularization of globalization. Gung Ho, while fictional, provides a comedic representation of the interaction between differing cultures in a workplace. The following analysis will compare American and Japanese cultural interaction through examples in the

Ancient Greek sculpture: The Delphi Charioteer

Over the times, the Greek sculptures developed from the geometric period to the Hellenistic period. There are many changes applied into the sculptures, which made it more natural and realistic. This paper will be focusing on the charioteer that is reformed from the archaic period into the early classical period. The subject matter is mainly

History of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

As paraphrased from an article written by Rabble news, radio was a new innovation in the 1930s. In Canada, legislators, associations, instructors and numerous others were considering the most ideal approach to sort out this new and dynamic type of correspondence. The nation, and the west, were in monetary unrest from the Great Depression and

Le multiculturalisme canadien

Le multiculturalisme canadien prône la simultanéité des différentes cultures du pays, il dit qu’il est préférable d’intégrer et d’établir une culture d’identité commune. Le multiculturalisme est un modèle de gestion des différences culturelles dans l’immigration et de nombreuses affaires publiques gouvernementales adoptées par le gouvernement libre de Pierre Elliott Trudeau. La politique canadienne sur le

The concept of Yin and Yang in Chinese medicine

Introduction The concept of Yin and Yang is probably the most important and distinctive theory of Chinese medicine, it is a philosophy which has originated from the Chineseancients, and formed the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. TCM is composed of Yin-Yang, Zang Fu,Wu Xing, etc. In recent times, TCM has become popular as a complementary

Taj Mahal, the national pride of India

Taj Mahal which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World is must visit destination for people who like historical places or for whom would like to know more about the historical background of northern India. Located in the city of Agra in Uttar Pradesh, India is one monument that the country take the

Les problèmes des immigrants au Canada

Ce qui attire plus immigrants dans lespoir quils seront acceptés malgré leur origine ou conviction et ils pourront sintégrer dans la langue de leur choix, mais malheureusement limage quils ont du bilinguisme canadien ne correspond pas à la réalité. La majorité des nouveaux arrivants pensent quau Canada, lusage de langlais et le français sont utilisés